Silhouettes in a Silent Land
Have you ever wondered how your ancestors lived? Or how much of the life you were born into has been due to the way they lived their lives?
This book has been written using a combination of facts and fiction. In the 'Journal,' everything written about the writer's ancestry is factual data gleaned from studying my own genealogy. Whilst the writer of the journal is not me, she bears a similarity to a somewhat younger version of me. Beth, Ryan and the baby however bear no resemblance to my own offspring and are purely fictional.
The main text of the book is written using the aforementioned ancestral information and, to the best of my knowledge, geographical and historical facts taken from many, many hours of painstaking yet enlightening research. These facts have been dramatised using fiction based somewhere between conjecture and pure fantasy. However, none of this fiction is beyond the realms of possibility and it is up to the reader to decide to what extent they wish to believe it.
We can never really know everything about those who came before us. No amount of historical texts can put us truly in their shoes. However, the truth for all of us is that we are products of our forefathers, a mish mash of good and bad, rich and poor, nobleman and peasant. Some of those long forgotten experiences must have filtered down through the generations. The central characters in this book were real people. They were born; they laughed when they were happy and wept when they were sad. They married and had children whom they loved and grieved for when, on occasion, they were taken from them. They suffered pain and disease with little relief, they worked in professions fit for their station in life, sometimes they grew old, and always they died. But for a short while, between these pages, they live again, in all their diversity.
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